Exercise Advocates

Exercise Advocates



Movement for Movement

This picture sums it up well.  As a Physiotherapist I am placed in a prime position to encourage others to participate in physical activity.  In the span of a year one physiotherapist could see hundreds of different individuals. It is well established that exercise is a great source of 'medicine' to help cure, prevent or manage a number of health conditions. 

Unfortunately the reality is that many of us fall into the habits of our usual routines.  This means that we may neglect or briefly brush over the importance of physical activity or exercises.  This is particularly easy to do when you are in a standard based rooms clinic.  This is one specific limitation I had in the past where you are somewhat restricted by your space, equipment and creativity.  Another limitation is that quite often clients do tend to rely on our 'hands on' techniques in order to fix them.  

This psychological barrier needs to be broken.  We mustn't lose confidence in the fact that when we educate on exercise the clients are getting important information.  This information is paramount in managing conditions so not only are they improved but they are fixed at the root and less likely to reoccur.  There is extreme value in that and it should be demonstrated in our demeanor when talking about it.

I am now lucky enough to be working in a Physiotherapy clinic that is set up inside a gym.  This gives me full access to the gym equipment which makes rehabilitation significantly easier, particularly with those that have gym memberships.  Some creativity is still required for those who need to complete a number of exercises at home or other venues without specific equipment.  However, it is possible and we should be doing it.

To expand on this, and to get back to the key point.  From time to time we often see individuals who do not participate in regular exercise.  It is well within our scope to encourage general exercise for increased quality of life or health and well-being.  Even if the exercise is not directly related to the injury/condition.  As experts we should intervene and effectively educate about the importance of exercise.   We could be that one stepping stone that prevents them from developing a chronic health condition.


The article this picture is from is linked below in case anyone is interested.


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